Positive Atmosphere Reaches Kids Afterschool & Summer program Rising 8th & 9th graders in the LRSD, Mills, & Joe T. Robinson
6915 Geyer Springs Road Little Rock, AR 72209 (501) 562-5223 |
Little Rock School District
Families in Transition Program Do you know a family within the Little Rock School District that is in a temporary living situation such as staying in a motel, shelter, living with another family, or living in your car or public place? If so, please have them complete this residency form >> https://lrsd.jotform.com/203457083072048 Contact us: (501) 447-3339 or (501) 447-3361 |
Are you a senior that's uncertain about your plans for next year?
City Year Little Rock can offer them a valuable, challenging, and meaningful gap year experience. Each year, they recruit up to 45 young people ages 17 – 24 who become AmeriCorps members and serve in public schools as full-time near-peer tutors, mentors, and role models who help students feel connected to school and take ownership of their learning. CYLR has served proudly in LRSD schools for almost 20 years. City Year AmeriCorps members receive such benefits as a monthly stipend, health insurance, access to exclusive scholarships, and an education award worth $6,495 to use for post-secondary education or training. Many of the schools in the UA system match our education award dollar for dollar, making a 2-year or 4-year degree extremely affordable. Here is the link to nominate. The form only takes 1 - 2 minutes to complete. The application deadline is December 2, so the sooner you nominate, the sooner we can help students with applications. |
HOME INTERNETCOLLEGE PREPARATIONSINGLE PARENTUA-PTC Career Pathways Initiative Program Mission Statement To seek and increase the access of low-income custodial parents to education credentials and gain workplace skills that qualifies them for higher-paying jobs in their local areas that lead to economic self-sufficiency. For questions regarding the Career Pathways Initiative program, please call (501) 812-2725 or e-mail [email protected]. Mailing Address University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College Career Pathways Initiative Program 3000 West Scenic Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118 Location: A Building, Room 135 TEST PREPARATION |
HISPANIC-BASED RESOURCESGED ProgramsArkansas National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program Christopher Williams, MBA Recruiting, Placement, & Mentoring Coordinator office: 501.212.5506 | fax: 501.212.5519 Connect with Us @ArkansasYCP on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube www.ARYouthChallenge.com Intervenes & reclaima the lives of 16-18 year-old youths in the state of Arkansas, producing program graduates with the values, life skills, education, and self-discipline necessary to succeed as productive citizens. "A Choice… A Challenge… A Change - A place where young people (male and female) can better prepare for their future. We instill self-discipline, motivation, honor, respect, anger management and a multitude of other character traits. You can also earn your Arkansas High School Diploma (GED) and scholarships to attend colleges and trade schools. The choice is yours. Choose wisely." |
EMPLOYMENTON-CAMPUSSocial Work Office Services
School Social Worker |